Joao Villas
Born 1979 in São Paulo, Brazil.
Currently live and work in London, UK.
There is a commonly held concept that artworks enunciate one or multiple narratives. But there is a complementary idea which says that narratives are made of a combination of specific relationships among its disparate elements. Some are products of the artwork itself and, therefore, intentionally created by the artist. And some - more importantly - result from the personal contributions of the viewer and have the ability to change the nature of the artwork (as far as the perspective of the viewer is concerned).
So here you have an artist production intended to focus on the latter - or intended not to intend. That is to say that these artworks attempt to bind isolated subjects into an open narrative. A space of relational possibilities where intention and chance are ordained in such a way that they do not weigh in one another.
Again, here you have: a certain number of artworks which neglectfully fail to bind linear narratives (despite the choice of medium - be it film, print, sound or the combination amongst them). For the focus of this specific production is the cyclical hermeneutic movement of deconstruction and consequent re-ordination of subjects and the narratives which can stem from it.